PAC butter


Finally got my computer to upload pictures…hp problems! I’ve found that I have an even greater addiction to pecan, cashew, almond butter than regular peanut butter. I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve partially replaced my beloved peanut butter.

All you need for this simple nut butter is:

  • 1/2 cup pecans
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/3 cup peanuts
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • honey (optional)
  • salt (optional)

Mix all nuts in a food processor until creamy texture is reached. Be careful to not mix too long at a time or the food processor with break. Do it at 30 second or 1 minute intervals and use the breaks to scrape down the sides. When it looks creamy enough add honey and/or salt if you would like.

xx Anna xx

Week 2: Granola

Finally tried a new recipe for granola! These are by far the best yet and they have no added sugar. The sweetener I used was raw honey. And cocoa and cinnamon really make everything better!
So here is my cocoa cinnamon granola
Sorry but no recipe as I got this one from the whole pantry app! I would consider buying it if I were you! It has amazing recipes, but if you are not willing to buy ingredients like buckwheat and other not so cheap products, then be careful before buying.

Banana peanut butter pancakes




Can you believe this little perfection of pancakes? I love pancakes to the moon and back (for those of you that don’t know, it is a saying on a brandy melville shirt). Want to know the trick for perfect moist pancakes?

-apple sauce

-mashed banana

With those ingredients (one or both) you are well on your way to having perfect gluten-free healthy pancakes. And of course these were peanut butter banana so I had to put a tiny bit of pb in the middle of the pancakes right before I flipped them (surprisingly easy to flip), but you could barely taste it. And peanut flour definitely will be used again in my future peanut butter pancakes, topped with homemade peanut butter and half a banana.

*sorry for no recipe but I am hoping to turn all of my creations into an ebook!

*any idea how to publish one?


Week 1 Day 3: breakfasts and snacks



I was so lazy last night that I didn’t prep my smoothie for this morning and I had no time to make one in the morning so instead i stuck with a fruit salad. Hidden under the persimmon is a banana sprinkled with lemon juice. Let me just tell you how nasty the persimmon tasted. It is not the one I usually buy but I wanted to try this kind since I hadn’t yet. But as soon as it enters your mouth it leaves a nasty dry taste. ick don’t want to go through that again! I had to throw it out, but I felt really bad about it:/ That is why I had the other half of the banana with my homemade peanut butter…YUM! goji berries do tend to make my life better too! And all that vitamin C from that half grapefruit…talk about healthy!



Yes, I made a smoothie for my snack!

lunch was hummus, mini tomatoes, and mini red bell peppers with taboule salad.

I had tons of testing today so when i came home i was starvin! 

The smoothie:

  • 1/2 banana
  • 3/4 apple
  • 1 pear 
  • 1/2 cup almond milk

It was very yummy, a lot better then yesterday’s fail of a smoothie! and then I had a date with peanut butter (AMAZING) like seriously it tastes like heaven! and the other half of the banana with pb and 1/4 of the apple. I also had half of the lemon larabar which taste just like lemon pie! 

I love having a 4th meal!

and dinner will be made by dad: sautéed potatoes and steak.

Hope all of you have a nice day!

xx Anna xx

Week 1 Day 2: Dairy is bad news


When you have an empty peanut butter jar (well almost empty) you don’t throw it away. Why would you ever do that to your beloved peanut butter?! I “recycle” mine…sort of…not really. I made the best overnight oats last night! I also cut a lot of the yogurt out of it for less dairy and it was just as yummy. But i also had more peanut butter because thats just how i like it

Peanut butter overnight oats:

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • 4 tbsp yogurt
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • leftover peanut butter from jar
  • extra peanut butter if you are as much of an addict as i am;)Image


Here are the two smoothies for the day! The first was at breakfast: melon, spinach, celery, almond milk, wheat grass

The second was a snack…DO NOT mix persimmons into your smoothies. They do not taste good at all. But we’ve all had those smoothie fails right? this is my second so far, last one being the first smoothie i ever made. Melon, Persimmon, wheat grass, almond milk

Tell me about your smoothie fail! I wanna know i am not alone!


You may have noticed I like to use almond milk. I have always hated milk and when I found this I actually liked it better! Still can’t drink it out of the glass but it is a lot better then before, especially in smoothies! I have also discovered lately that milk, or any dairy for that matter is not good for you. It is all part of today’s market. They try to sell you a product with all these lies…its incredible!

  1. The main enemy in dairy is the protein, casein. Casein has been linked in many studies with cancer. So if you are looking for another way to avoid cancer, skip the milk
  2. It is actually easy to avoid dairy these days. You can trade milk for nut milk, cheese for the soy-free cheese (unless you really love cheese, then its ok to have some once in a while), and yogurt for coconut yogurt
  3. Cheese is addictive
  4. The milk comes from a cow, how is that better then milk coming from lactating dogs or cats? and do you think all milk comes from cows? I mean when you come to think of it, some of it has to be genetically engineered. 
  5. Milk/dairy is also proven to cause (get ready for the long like):
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • osteoporosis
  • constipation

Want to eat dairy now? If you want more info on this subject feel free to comment below and I will answer all questions and even do more research. Oh and p.s most people in the world, about 75%, would be deemed lactose intolerant if they were test. The other 25% are mostly caucasians that have genetically inherited a gene to tolerate dairy.


xx Anna xx



Week 1 Day 1: Smoothies and taboule patties


This morning I had the day off from school and I craving pancakes. Of course I made peanut butter banana pancakes…like duh!! These were the best ones yet!

  • Heres a tip for when you make pancakes: **add banana or apple sauce to moisten them**

The peanut butter looks light because i made it myself with my new ninja blender (from blanched peanuts)


Sorry to disappoint but only one smoothie today! I was too full to have one for snack…my lunch (which is below) was extremely yummy though! This smoothie was a bit sweet but still loved it. Thank goodness I didn’t add dates.

Green smoothie:

  • 1 small apple
  • 1 persimmon 
  • 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • ice


This is what happens when you have leftover taboule…you make taboule patties. These came out of the blue. Like I swear I had no Idea it would turn into something this yummy! The taboule already had some dried fruits and some veggies and I added an egg white and some coconut flour and voila! Love it when things come together so well.

oh and I also bought a bunch of goodies. well mostly larabars but I got a bunch of different flavors i haven’t tried yet!

xx anna xx




Smoothie Challenge!

Challenging myself to make more smoothies!

My goals:

  • have 2 smoothies a day
  • have 1 green smoothie and 1 fruit smoothie
  • make a smoothie my snack
  • have at least 2 fruits and a veggie in my smoothie

I am going to post all my smoothies with the recipes. and guess what?! I have a new ninja blender and it. is. amaaaziinggg. I really do love it though! it blends so well! I will also try to have information on at least one ingredient every time.

I’m watching the carrie diaries at the same time as doing…i’m a multi-tasker when it comes to this. so who else wants to join this challenge to be healthier?